Saturday, October 25, 2008

1st day....way to productive....

Well, I started about 7am and it's 9:30pm ..and I am pooped! here are some images that I wanted to share before I go out for the night...
The image above is the Centrum Building, here at Fort Worden... this are the kid folks that are putting me up!
Eeek! How does this this work?? The water above is the Puget Sound looking across towar Whidbey Island.
Okay and I know the next one above that will be a white building...see the 4 windows across on the 2nd floor. That;s my HUGE studio!

Above that will be several shots of the interior from one end to the other..and all of my junk.
And so the top one is me ..hamming it up in front of my BIG (4' x5') canvas.
I could probably redo this...but I'm just too tired...
So there you go...picture of the residency... Day one.
Tomorrow you will see my wonderful Barrista..Jessie! She makes a great Capacinno!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

color me green with envy!